First Readers: Lektüren for beginners The giant called Ed
Von: Koerner, Amy Frances
2021 Verlag Moritz Diesterweg
ISBN‑10: 3-425-14097-3
ISBN‑13: 978-3-425-14097-1
Ab Klasse 3
Ab Klasse 3
Quiz von Liselott Hahn
Quiz wurde 224-mal bearbeitet.
In a town in a land far, far away live the Food People. In the mountains near the town lives a giant called Ed. The Food People are really scared of him. Find out what happens when, one day, the giant called Ed stomps into town!
In a town in a land far, far away live the Food People. In the mountains near the town lives a giant called Ed. The Food People are really scared of him. Find out what happens when,
one day, the giant called Ed stomps into town!