First Readers: Lektüren for beginners Ruby's story
Von: Koerner, Amy Frances
2021 Verlag Moritz Diesterweg
ISBN‑10: 3-425-14098-1
ISBN‑13: 978-3-425-14098-8
Ab Klasse 5
Ab Klasse 5
Quiz von Liselott Hahn
Quiz wurde 34-mal bearbeitet.
Ruby is Rajiv's pet parrot. We all know that. She lives in London with Rajiv and loves bananas - but that's about all we know! Where does she come from? How did she meet Rajiv? Go on a journey with Ruby and find out.
Ruby is Rajiv's pet parrot. We all know that. She lives in London with Rajiv and loves bananas - but that's about all we know! Where does she come from? How did she meet Rajiv?
Go on a journey with Ruby and find out.