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If I Built
If I Built a House

Von: Dusen, Chris van

2012 Penguin Books

ISBN‑10: 0-8037-3751-3
ISBN‑13: 978-0-8037-3751-8

Ab Klasse 5  

Quiz von Therese Gyger Gerber

Quiz wurde 78-mal bearbeitet.

What would your house look like if an imaginative eight-year-old had designed it? Probably a lot like Jack's, complete with a Racetrack Room, Flying Room, and gigantic slide. Need something to eat? No problem. Just check out the all-in-one Kitchen-o-Mat. Bath times are a breeze with the Scrub-a-Dub-Dub, and bedtimes a blast when you're up in the sky.
Jack's boundless ideas and contagious enthusiasm will once again inspire budding inventors to imagine their own fantasy creations.
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