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School of Labyrinth - Helbling Readers: Red Series (A1)
The Spelling Bee

Von: Biggs, Gavin

2021 Helbling Verlag

ISBN‑10: 3-9908940-0-5
ISBN‑13: 978-3-9908940-0-2

Ab Klasse 6  

Quiz von Anja Schneiderbauer

Quiz wurde 65-mal bearbeitet.

Onur and five other children come to the School of Labyrinth to take part in its famous Spelling Bee competition. The winner can wish for whatever they want and Onur wants special medicine for her sick brother. What do the other children want to win? What tests to they have to do and what happens when they fail?
And most importantly, who wins the School of Labyrinth Spelling Bee?
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