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Little Elliot
Big City

Von: Curato, Mike

2014 Henry Holt & Company

ISBN‑10: 0-8050-9825-9
ISBN‑13: 978-0-8050-9825-9

Ab Klasse 4  

Quiz von Fruja Karin

Quiz wurde 15-mal bearbeitet.

The big city holds many new and challenging experiences for little Elliot, the polka-dotted elephant. But Elliot is about to find out that life is full of sweet surprises that come in the smallest of packages.

Amid the hustle and bustle of the big city, the big crowds and bigger buildings, Little Elliot, the polka-dotted elephant, leads a quiet life. In spite of the challenges he faces, Elliot finds many wonderful things to enjoy - like cupcakes! And when his problems seem insurmountable, Elliot discovers something even sweeter - a friend. Discover the heartwarming friendship story of Little Elliot and Mouse.
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