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Laura's Star
Laura's Search for Santa

Von: Neudert, Cornelia

2005 Baumhaus (in der Bastei Lübbe)

ISBN‑10: 3-8339-0111-X
ISBN‑13: 978-3-8339-0111-9

Ab Klasse 6  

Quiz von Olivia Coker

Quiz wurde 112-mal bearbeitet.

Laura's little brother Tommy finds Christmas all too much fuss: Mum is never there because she is always having to play her cello at concerts; Dad is stressed because he has to prepare for their trip to the holiday cottage and the Santas in the department store aren't even real Santas! Tommy is convinced: "Santa Claus doesn't really exist!"

Laura wants to help Tommy. But how? She is no longer even sure herself whether Santa Claus really exists. Luckily she has her star. It helps her in her search for Santa . . .
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