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Laura's Star
Laura goes to school

Von: Neudert, Cornelia

2003 Baumhaus (in der Bastei Lübbe)

ISBN‑10: 3-8315-0401-6
ISBN‑13: 978-3-8315-0401-5

Ab Klasse 5  

Quiz von Olivia Coker

Quiz wurde 934-mal bearbeitet.

Laura is very excited about her first day at school. But then Harry, the boy next door, tells Laura that her new teacher is the worst teacher in the whole school. Laura and her friend, Sophie, ask themselves worriedly: "What if Harry is right?" Fortunately, Laura has her very own star to tell her troubles to. But during the night, her star glides into her schoolbag and creates quite a stir for Laura on her first day of school!
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