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Penguin Readers (Level 1)
Run For Your Life

Von: Waller, Stephen

1999 Longman

ISBN‑10: 0-582-41766-X
ISBN‑13: 978-0-582-41766-3

Ab Klasse 5  

Quiz von Violetta Leitner

Quiz wurde 119-mal bearbeitet.

Kim and Dave are on holiday in Barcelona in Spain. One day they go for a walk in the old town. They sit down in a quiet place and it all starts - a man with frightening eyes and a knife is running after Kim. The streets are small and dark. Who will help her?
Make sure you are not alone when you read this exciting story.

Für "Level 1 - Beginner" wird ein Grundwortschatz von circa 300 Wörtern vorausgesetzt.
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