BiLi, Zweisprachige Sachgeschichten (Englisch - Deutsch) A visit to the Theatre - Wir gehen ins Theater
Von: Mörchen, Roland
2009 Olms, Georg, Verlag; Hildesheim
ISBN‑10: 3-487-08834-7
ISBN‑13: 978-3-487-08834-1
Ab Klasse 6
Ab Klasse 6
Quiz von Heinke Kiy
Quiz wurde 67-mal bearbeitet.
Quizfragen in englischer Sprache
Acting - who has never dreamed of going on stage? Together with the rest of their class Lisa, Jens and Benni take part in a performance of Hansel and Gretel on a real stage. The children go on an exciting excursion behind the scenes in a theatre and take part in the activities on stage.
Quizfragen in englischer Sprache
Acting - who has never dreamed of going on stage? Together with the rest of their class Lisa,
Jens and Benni take part in a performance of Hansel and Gretel on a real stage. The children go on an exciting excursion behind the scenes in a theatre and take part in the activities on stage.