BiLi, Zweisprachige Sachgeschichten (Englisch - Deutsch) A Visit to the Museum - Wir gehen ins Museum
Von: Mörchen, Roland
2009 Olms, Georg, Verlag; Hildesheim
ISBN‑10: 3-487-08832-0
ISBN‑13: 978-3-487-08832-7
Ab Klasse 6
Ab Klasse 6
Quiz von Regina Pohl
Quiz wurde 85-mal bearbeitet.
Quizfragen in englischer Sprache
A visit to a museum? At first Jens thinks that is a very boring idea! But Lisa's enthusiasm is infectious, and Jens and Benni agree to go with her. Between gigantic dinosaurs, fossils and Egyptian mummies the three friends enjoy a very exciting afternoon and learn a lot of interesting things about working in a museum.
Quizfragen in englischer Sprache
A visit to a museum? At first Jens thinks that is a very boring idea! But Lisa's enthusiasm is infectious,
and Jens and Benni agree to go with her. Between gigantic dinosaurs, fossils and Egyptian mummies the three friends enjoy a very exciting afternoon and learn a lot of interesting things about working in a museum.