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Ladybird Classics
Oliver Twist

Von: Dickens, Charles

1999 Ladybird Books

ISBN‑10: 0-7214-1754-X
ISBN‑13: 978-0-7214-1754-7

Jugendbuch 7. - 10. Klasse  

Quiz von Teresa Lehnert-Ransom

Quiz wurde 622-mal bearbeitet.

Born in the workhouse, the orphaned Oliver Twist has known nothing but hunger and misery. He runs away to London to start a better life, but instead falls in with the wicked Fagin and his gang of thieves. Just when everything seems hopeless, events take an unexpected turn.

Oliver Twist is probably Charles Dickens' most famous work, set in England in the 19th Century. A wonderful description of the difficult life many children faced at this time - only a few children got a good education - most had to work in coal mines or factories.

A classic tale written in an easy-to-read style.
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