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Helbling Readers: Fiction (Level 2 - A1/A2)
Maze Stories - School of Labyrinth (here: Space Camp)

Von: Biggs, Gavin

2022 Helbling Verlag

ISBN‑10: 3-99089-799-3
ISBN‑13: 978-3-99089-799-7

Jugendbuch 7. - 10. Klasse  

Quiz von Anja Schneiderbauer

Quiz wurde 63-mal bearbeitet.

Ambar arrives at the School of Labyrinth to take part in its Space Camp competition and win the chance to really see space. She wants to show her father and brothers that girls can do anything they want. Inside there are seven other young people.
Each one wants to win the competition and each one has his or her own special reason for being there.
Who are the monstrous teachers who set them the tests? What happens if they fail? And who will win the competition and see space?
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