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Helbling Readers: Fiction
Maze Stories - The House of Heroes (here: The Blue Egg)

Von: Biggs, Gavin

2021 Helbling Verlag

ISBN‑10: 3-99089-402-1
ISBN‑13: 978-3-99089-402-6

Ab Klasse 6  

Quiz von Anja Schneiderbauer

Quiz wurde 21-mal bearbeitet.

In 1880, Tom, a poor street child, steals a pie and runs away from an angry policeman. He opens a door at the end of an alleyway and finds himself in the House of Heroes. There he meets Alba and his white owl, Tyto. Alba tells Tom that he can stay there. But first, he must help Alba find a special crystal. Join Tom as he travels through time to look for the crystal and the magical Blue Egg.
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