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Helbling Readers: Fiction (Level 1 - A1)
Maze Stories - The Secret Statues (here: The Tigers's Tail)

Von: Biggs, Gavin

2021 Helbling Verlag

ISBN‑10: 3-99089-398-X
ISBN‑13: 978-3-99089-398-2

Ab Klasse 6  

Quiz von Anja Schneiderbauer

Quiz wurde 22-mal bearbeitet.

When Violet arrives at the Golden Zoo orphanage, she is happy to have a new family. She becomes friends with another new girl, Babs, and they explore the Golden Zoo together. But soon Violet begins to realise that something is wrong. Is there a tiger in the garden? Why are the teachers so strange? And who is the boy in the prison at the bottom of the stairs? Can Violet escape from the Golden Zoo?
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