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Sneezy the Snowman

Von: Wright, Maureen

2010 Scholastic

ISBN‑10: 0-545-32826-8
ISBN‑13: 978-0-545-32826-5

Ab Klasse 5  

Quiz von Therese Gyger Gerber

Quiz wurde 75-mal bearbeitet.

B-R-R-R-R! AH-CHOO! Sneezy the Snowman is cold, cold, cold. To warm up, he drinks cocoa, sits in a hot tub, stands near a warm fire- and melts! But the children know just what to do to build him up again- and make him feel "just right". Hilarity chills the air with playful mixed-media illustrations by Stephen Gilpin as Sneezy attempts to warm himself with some silly results.
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