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Stan Stinkey (Bd. 1)
He's a Sewer Hero!

Von: Shaw, Hannah

2013 Scholastic

ISBN‑10: 1-407-13624-0
ISBN‑13: 978-1-407-13624-0

Ab Klasse 6  

Quiz von Vera Sablattnig

Quiz wurde 9-mal bearbeitet.

Meet Stan Stinky, the unluckiest rat in the sewer. Whilst his friends are off surfing in the Bahamas, Stan has to spend his summer aboard his crazy uncle's leaky boat. Until ... Uncle Ratts and his sidekick, Roachy the cockroach, disappear. Into a human house. Eek! Stan must come to their rescue immediately. Suddenly, Stan's an adventurer, surfer and a sewer hero! Maybe he's not so unlucky after all.
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