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BiLi, Zweisprachige Sachgeschichten (Englisch - Deutsch)
A Visit to the Library - Wir gehen in die Bibliothek

Von: Mörchen, Roland

2010 Olms, Georg, Verlag; Hildesheim

ISBN‑10: 3-487-08843-6
ISBN‑13: 978-3-487-08843-3

Ab Klasse 6  

Quiz von Regina Pohl

Quiz wurde 103-mal bearbeitet.

Quizfragen in englischer Sprache

Ready, Steady. Go!
Lisa, Jens, Benni and their classmates take part in an exciting rally organised by the local library.
The three friends find out how to search for a book and how they can use their library cards to borrow books and extend their borrowing time.
And who would have thought there would be so many other things to discover in a library besides books?
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