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The pig in the pond

Von: Waddell, Martin

1994 Walker Books

ISBN‑10: 0-7445-3153-5
ISBN‑13: 978-0-7445-3153-4

Ab Klasse 4  

Quiz von Albert Hoffmann

Quiz wurde 345-mal bearbeitet.

One hot day, Neligan goes off to town in his cart. Neligan's pig sits by the pond watching the ducks and geese play on the cool water. The pig gets hotter and hotter; the ducks and the geese get louder and louder. The Neligan's pig jumps in the pond. All the animals come to see the strange sight of the pig in the pond. Then Neligan returns. He looks at the pig - and as he looks, he gets undressed. Then Neligan, followed by all the animals, jumps in too.
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