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Mrs Armitage on Wheels

Von: Blake, Quentin

1999 Random House

ISBN‑10: 0-09-940052-9
ISBN‑13: 978-0-09-940052-3

Ab Klasse 5  

Quiz von Sabine Ziegler

Quiz wurde 137-mal bearbeitet.

Mrs Armitage sets off on a quiet cycle with her faithful dog, Breakspear, but she just can't help thinking of ways to improve her bicycle. Before very long she has added three very loud horns, a bucket of water to wash her hands and a complete tool kit. And by the time she has also added a seat for Breakspear, two umbrellas, a cassette player and a mouth-organ, Mrs Armitage is riding a very eye-catching contraption! But it is when she finally adds the mast and sail, that Mrs Armitage really runs into trouble.
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