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Bed and Breakfast

Von: Speight, Steven

1992 Klett

ISBN‑10: 3-12-544120-X
ISBN‑13: 978-3-12-544120-0

Ab Klasse 5  

Quiz von Liselott Hahn

Quiz wurde 68-mal bearbeitet.

The Stones are starting a new life in a small seaside guesthouse. It's difficult for them at first, but soon things start to go with a swing. They meet guests from America, France and Germany - and from other parts of Britain too, of course. They have to cope with fussy guests, a gambling addict and also with a little romance from time to time. On the whole they have a lot of fun, and we hope the reader will too. Along the way he or she will find out quite a bit about Britain as well.
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