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bi:libri - Kleiner Eisbär (Englisch - Deutsch)
Where are you going, Lars? - Wohin fährst du, Lars?

Von: Beer, Hans de

2022 Edition bi:libri

ISBN‑10: 3-19-159596-1
ISBN‑13: 978-3-19-159596-8

Ab Klasse 6  

Quiz von Lucia Juppova

Quiz wurde 99-mal bearbeitet.

Lars, the little polar bear, drifts all alone on an ice floe in the middle of the sea. As the ice floe melts, he manages to find safety on a barrel. An adventurous journey begins. Finally, Lars lands in Africa. It's an exciting place to be, but the little polar bear misses his cold, white home. Luckily, his new friends, a hippopotamus and a whale, help him find his way back.
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