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bi:libri (Englisch - Deutsch)
The princess who taught her father to cry - Von der Prinzessin, die ihren Vater das Heulen lehrte

Von: Francke, Julia

2024 Edition bi:libri

ISBN‑10: 3-19-229620-8
ISBN‑13: 978-3-19-229620-8

Ab Klasse 6  

Quiz von Lucia Juppova

Quiz wurde 62-mal bearbeitet.

In a land not far from here, lives a king who wants a quiet kingdom. His beloved daughter, however, is loud, cheerful and wild - all of which the king cannot tolerate. After a raucous game, he locks the princess's dragon in a cage, at which point she becomes very angry and very quiet. Too quiet for the king, who can no longer relax at all.
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