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The Brilliant Deep - Rebuilding the World's Coral Reefs

Von: Messner, Kate

2018 Chronicle Books

ISBN‑10: 1-452-13350-6
ISBN‑13: 978-1-452-13350-8

Ab Klasse 5  

Quiz von Dr. Sharon Wismer

Quiz wurde 96-mal bearbeitet.

All it takes is one: one coral gamete to start a colony in the ocean, one person to make a difference in the world, one idea to help us heal the earth. The ongoing conservation efforts to save and rebuild the world's coral reefs- with hammer and glue and grafts of newly grown coral- are the living legacy of environmental scientist Ken Nedimyer, founder of the Coral Restoration Foundation.

In telling the story of this sea conservation pioneer and marine life protector, Kate Messner and Matthew Forsythe create a stunning tribute to the wonders of nature and the power of human hope- a power even the youngest readers can access in their quest to aid our extraordinary planet.
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