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Von: Colfer, Eoin; Donkin, Andrew

2023 Klett Sprachen

ISBN‑10: 3-12-542606-5
ISBN‑13: 978-3-12-542606-1

Jugendbuch 7. - 10. Klasse  

Quiz von Liselott Hahn

Quiz wurde 250-mal bearbeitet.

Ebo is alone.
His sister left months ago in search of a better life and now his older brother has disappeared too - probably to make the same dangerous journey to Europe.

But Ebo doesn't want to stay behind on his own, so he decides to follow them. Driven by his longing to find his family again and the hope of a safer and better life for all of them, twelve-year-old Ebo sets out on an epic journey that will take him from his small village in Ghana, through the Sahara Desert to the dangerous streets of Tripoli and from there out onto the endless Mediterranean Sea ...
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