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Ada Twist - The Questioneers
Ada Twist and the Perilous Pants

Von: Beaty, Andrea

2019 Klett Sprachen

ISBN‑10: 3-12-542650-2
ISBN‑13: 978-3-12-542650-4

Ab Klasse 6  

Quiz von Liselott Hahn

Quiz wurde 40-mal bearbeitet.

Ada Twist - budding scientist and queen of questions - loves having mysteries to explore. She examines, experiments and investigates. One question leads to another and another ... and lots more!
Today's mystery might just be the most puzzling of all: why is Uncle Ned floating high up in the air wearing really big pants? How high can he float? Will he float off into space? But, most importantly, how on earth are she and her friends Rosie Revere and Iggy Peck going to save him? Ada needs answers - and a plan - fast!
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