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Penny Dreadful (Bd. 4)
Penny Dreadful cooks up a calamity

Von: Nadin, Joanna

2012 Usborne Verlag

ISBN‑10: 1-409-54052-9
ISBN‑13: 978-1-409-54052-6

Ab Klasse 6  

Quiz von Vera Sablattnig

Quiz wurde 18-mal bearbeitet.

My name is not actually Penny Dreadful. It is Penelope Jones. The 'Dreadful' bit is my dad's JOKE. But I do not mean to be dreadful ... sawing Bridget Grimes in half for the school show was supposed to be a GOOD THING. And I didn't mean to get up to any SHENANIGANS on the school trip. Plus I worked extra-especially hard on the CAKE OF DREAMS for Mum's birthday ... but somehow it still turned into a HUGE calamity.
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