bi:libri (Englisch - Deutsch) The most important thing - Das Allerwichtigste
Von: Abbatiello, Antonella
2010 Edition bi:libri
ISBN‑10: 3-19-329594-9
ISBN‑13: 978-3-19-329594-1
Ab Klasse 5
Ab Klasse 5
Quiz von Daniela Polti
Quiz wurde 751-mal bearbeitet.
What's more important: the giraffe's long neck or the hedgehog's spines? Being green like a frog or big like an elephant? What if all the animals of the forest had a long neck or spines? What if they were all big and green? This wonderful modern fable teaches us that we each have our own individual strengths and we don't all have to be alike - a valuable moral for our multicultural society.
English - Deutsch
What's more important: the giraffe's long neck or the hedgehog's spines? Being green like a frog or big like an elephant?
What if all the animals of the forest had a long neck or spines? What if they were all big and green? This wonderful modern fable teaches us that we each have our own individual strengths and we don't all have to be alike - a valuable moral for our multicultural society.