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Black Cat - Green Apple
The Black Arrow

Von: Stevenson, Robert Louis (retold by Gibson, George)

2006 Ediciones Vicens Vives

ISBN‑10: 84-316-0994-X
ISBN‑13: 978-84-316-0994-8

Ab Klasse 6  

Quiz von Liselott Hahn

Quiz wurde 27-mal bearbeitet.

Set in 15th century England during the Wars of the Roses, this is the adventure story of Richard Shelton and the band of the Black Arrow. Sir Daniel is like a father to Richard, but one day Richard discovers a terrible truth ... Now he must fight against Sir Daniel and his men. Can Richard save his true love, Joanna, from an unhappy marriage? Can he and the band of the Black Arrow bring justice to England?
A tale full of excitement, mystery and romance!
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